24 Summer Semester: Modular Forms 2 (joint with Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang)

        You can find the course on Moodle page by searching keywords "MF2 - 24". The name of the course is "Modular Forms 2 - 24" and the enrolling key is "MF2SS24".

         Lectures: Monday 10h-11h30 WSC-S-U-3.02, Friday 10h-11h30 WSC-N-U-4.05; Exercise sessions: Friday 12h30-14h WSC-S-U-3.02      

        This course aims to introduce automorphic forms and automorphic representations for GL_2(A_Q). We shall first introduce the adelic ring and the Fourier analysis of them. We will then talk about automorphic forms and automorphic representations for GL_1(A_Q). In particular, we shall explain Tate's thesis on the L-functions of Hecke characters. After that, we shall study automorphic forms on GL_2(A_Q), we will talk about Maass forms, Whittaker functions, Maass raising/lowering operators, Eisenstein series, etc. In the end, we will discuss automorphic representations for GL_2(A_Q).

        Prerequisites: Complex analysis, Modular form 1 (basic definitions, Hecke operators, L-functions). Basic results from Modular Forms 1 can be recalled quickly upon request (in particular, we also welcome students who have not followed Modular Forms 1).

        Main Reference: D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.


24 Summer Semester: Seminar on Number Theory: p-adic Galois representations (joint with Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang)

        Monday 16h-18h, WSC-S-U-3.01
        p-adic representations of Galois groups appear ubiquitous in modern algebraic number theory, especially in Langlands program. In this topic, we will study some basic properties of these representations, introduce the notions of compatible families, Hodge-Tate weights, and then attach p-adic representations to tori and elliptic curves.  
        Prerequisites: algebraic number theory, p-adic numbers
        Main reference: J.-P.Serre, Abelian l-adic representations and elliptic curves, McGill University lecture notes, (1968). 
        For more details, see https://www.esaga.uni-due.de/xiaoyu.zhang/.



23/24 Winter Semester: Modular Forms 1 (joint with Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang)

        The lectures will start on Oct 9 as originally planned.

        You can find the course on Moodle page by searching keywords "MF1 - 23/24". The name of the course is "Modular Forms 1 - 23/24" and the enrolling key is "MF1WS2324".

        Room: Lectures: Monday 10h15-11h45 WSC-S-U-3.02, Wednesday 12h15-13h45 (only 11 October ) and Friday (from 20 October) 12h-13h30 WSC-N-U-3.04; Exercise sessions: Friday 14h30-16h WSC-S-U-3.02 (from 20 October).

        The course aims to introduce the basic theory of modular forms. In the first half of the course, we will talk about the definition of modular forms, their q-expansions, modular curves, and Hecke operators. In the second half of the course (given by Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang), he shall continue with the theory of newforms, L-functions, and related topics.


        [1] F. Diamond and J. Shurman, A first course in modular forms, GTM 228, Springer, 2005.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

        [3] T. Miyake, Modular forms, Springer, 1989.

        [4] N. Koblitz, Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms, GTM 97, Springer, 1984.


23/24 Winter Semester: Seminar on Number Theory: Elliptic Curves (joint with Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang)

        Monday 16h-18h WSC-S-U-3.01

        For more details, visit https://www.esaga.uni-due.de/xiaoyu.zhang/. 



2023 Summer Semester: Modular Forms 2

        You can find the course on the Moodle page with key words "MF2" (Sommersemester 2023/Mathematik/MF2) and register with the enrolling key: MF2SS23. 

        Lectures: Monday 12h-14h, Tuesday 12h-14h, Exercise sessions (by Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang): Friday 14h-16h, all in room WSC-S-U-3.03.

        The aim of the course is to introduce automorphic forms and automorphic representations for GL_2. The first half of the course will be devoted to the representation theory of GL_2 over local fields. We will then introduce the ring of adeles and the automorphic forms over it. Finally, we will explain automorphic representations and their L-functions.

        The first half of the course also complements the baby seminar on local Langlands classification for GL_2 (https://www.esaga.uni-due.de/luca.marannino/Babyseminar_SS2023/). For this part, we only require a basic understanding of the representation theory of finite groups and p-adic numbers. For the second half of the course, basic definitions and results from Modular Forms 1 will be necessary.


        [1] D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.



22/23 Winter Semester: Modular Forms 1

        You can register on the Moodle page with the name "Modular Forms 1 -22/23" and the enrolling key: MF1WS2223.

        Room: WSC-S-U-3.01; Lectures: Monday 10h-12h, Wednesday 12h-14h; Exercise sessions (by Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang): Friday 14h-16h.

        The course aims to introduce the basic theory of modular forms and related topics. We will talk about the definition of modular forms, their q-expansions, Hecke operators, L-functions, modular curves, and some interesting applications. If time permits, we shall talk about some advanced topics, in the end, depending on the interests of the students. Basic knowledge of complex analysis is requested.


        [1] F. Diamond and J. Shurman, A first course in modular forms, GTM 228, Springer, 2005.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

        [3] T. Miyake, Modular forms, Springer, 1989.

        [4] N. Koblitz, Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms, GTM 97, Springer, 1984.


2022 Summer Semester: Modular Forms 2

        You can find the course on the Moodle page with key words "Modular Forms 2" (Sommersemester 2022/Mathematik/MF2 22) and register with the enrolling key: MF2SS22. 

        Lectures: Monday 12h-14h (WSC-N-U-3.04), Wednesday 12h-14h (O-3.46); Exercise sessions (by Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang): Friday 16h-18h (WSC-S-U-3.01).

        The aim of the course is to introduce automorphic forms and automorphic representations for GL_2. We will start from Maass forms, their Fourier-Whittaker expansions, and the spectrum. We will then talk about the ring of adeles and the automorphic forms over it. In particular, we will discuss the adelic lifting of classical forms. We will then introduce the theory of automorphic representations. In particular, we shall talk about the classification of admissible representations over local fields. Basic definitions from Modular forms 1 are required.


        [1] D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.


21/22 Winter Semester: Modular Forms 1

        The lectures and exercise sessions of this course will take place at WSC-S-U-3.02 with video-streaming by Zoom at the same time. You can register on the Moodle page with the enrolling key: MF1WS21/22.

        Lectures: Monday 10h-12h, Wednesday 10h-12h; Exercise sessions (by Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang): Friday 16h-18h.

        The course aims to introduce the basic theory of modular forms and related topics. We will talk about the definition of modular forms, their q-expansions, Hecke operators, L-functions, modular curves, and some interesting applications. If time permits, we shall talk about some advanced topics, in the end, depending on the interests of the students. Basic knowledge of complex analysis is requested.


        [1] F. Diamond and J. Shurman, A first course in modular forms, GTM 228, Springer, 2005.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

        [3] N. Koblitz, Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms, GTM 97, Springer, 1984.

        [4] D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.


2021 Summer Semester: Modular Forms 2

        The lectures of this course will take place at the indicated times in video-conference via Zoom. You can register on the Moodle page with the enrolling key: MF2SS21.

        Lectures: Tuesday 12h-14h, Friday 12h-14h; Exercise sessions (by Luca Dall'Ava): Friday 16h-18h.

        The aim of the course is to introduce automorphic forms and automorphic representations for GL_2. We will start from Maass forms, their Fourier-Whittaker expansions, and the spectrum. We will then talk about the ring of adeles and the automorphic forms over it. In particular, we will discuss the adelic lifting of classical forms. We will then introduce the theory of automorphic representations. In particular, we shall talk about the classification of admissible representations over local fields. Basic definitions from Modular forms 1 are required.


        [1] D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.


20/21 Winter Semester: Modular Forms 1

        The lectures of this course will take place at the indicated times in video-conference via Zoom. You can register on the Moodle page with the enrolling key: MF1WS20/21.

        Lectures: Tuesday 12h-14h, Friday 10h-12h; Exercise sessions (by Luca Dall'Ava): Friday 16h-18h.

        The aim of the course is to introduce the basic theory of modular forms and related topics. We will talk about the definition of modular forms, their q-expansions, Hecke operators, L-functions, and modular curves. If time permits, we shall talk about Maass forms and automorphic forms for GL_2. Basic knowledge of complex analysis is requested.


        [1] F. Diamond and J. Shurman, A first course in modular forms, GTM 228, Springer, 2005.

        [2] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

        [3] N. Koblitz, Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms, GTM 97, Springer, 1984.

        [4] D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.


2020 Summer Semester: Seminar on Beilinson's conjecture

        In this seminar, we are going to read J. Nekovář's survey article on Beilinson's conjectures. The seminar takes place each Wednesday at 14h15-15h30 online via zoom. You can find the detailed program and the notes here: http://www.ihes.fr/~linjie/IHES/Seminar_SS2020.html.

        Talk 1 (29 April, by Xiaoyu Zhang). Introduction and overview.

        Talk 2. (6 May, by Jie Lin) Motives and realizations.


        Talk 3. (13 May, by Jie Lin) Deligne's period map.


        Talk 4. (20 May, by Jie Lin) Motivic cohomology.


        Talk 5. (3 June, by Chirantan Chowdhury) Mixed motives and examples.


        Talk 6. (10 June, by Chirantan Chowdhury) K-theoretic regulator map.


        Talk 7. (17 June, by Luca Dall'Ava) Beilinson's conjectures.


        Talk 8. (1 July, by Xiaoyu Zhang) Scholl's version of Beilinson's conjectures.


        Talk 9. (8 July, by Quentin Gazda) Some recent progress towards these conjectures.


2020 Summer Semester: Modular Forms 2 (joint with Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang)

        The course will start from the week of April 20 and will probably be online. Please write to jie.lin@uni-due.de or/and xiaoyu.zhang@uni-due.de if you are interested in the course. 

        Lectures: Tuesday 12h-14h, Friday 10h-12h; Exercise sessions: Friday 12h-14h.

        The first half of this course (by Dr. Xiaoyu Zhang) will be a continuation of the course Modular Form 1 of the last Winter semester. We will continue to introduce some basic notions and results in the theory of modular forms on the upper half plane, in particular Hecke operators, Petersson products, oldforms and newforms (the theory of Atkin-Lehner), the Eichler-Shimura isomorphism. After that, we will study the algebraicity of certain Dirichlet L-functions via Eisenstein series, certain standard L-functions of modular forms and then pass to the construction of p-adic interpolations of these L-functions using modular symbols. If times permits, we will study the p-adic interpolation of certain families of modular forms (the Hida theory) and briefly discuss some of its applications.

        In the second half (by Dr. Jie Lin), we will talk about automorphic forms for GL_2 over the real field and over the ring of adeles. We will start from Maass forms, their Fourier-Whittaker expansions, and the spectrum. We will then talk about the ring of adeles and the automorphic forms over it. In particular, we will discuss the adelic lifting of classical forms. In the end, we will introduce the theory of automorphic representations.


        [1] F. Diamond and J. Shurman, A first course in modular forms, GTM 228, Springer, 2005.

        [2] H. Hida, Elementary theory of L-functions and Eisenstein series, London Mathematical Society Student Texts 26, 1993.

        [3] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

        [4] D. Goldfeld and J. Hundley, Automorphic Representations and L-functions for the General Linear Group, CSAM 129, Cambridge University Press, 2011.

 Prerequisites: Complex analysis, Modular form 1 (basic definitions, Hecke operators, basic of L-functions), Complex elliptic curves


2019 Summer Semester: Modular Forms 2

         I will teach until June 7 and then the course will be continued with Prof. Dr. Jasmin Matz.

        Lectures: Tuesdays 12h00-13h30, WSC-S-U-3.03 and Fridays 14h00-15h30, WSC-S-U-3.01 

        Contents: The aim of the course is to introduce the basic theory of modular forms and related topics. We shall discuss how they can be used in classical number theory problems as well as their generalizations from representation theoretic point of view. We will talk about Rankin-Selberg L-function and the converse theorem. If time permits, we will introduce briefly automorphic representations and Langlands functoriality.

        Prerequisites: Complex analysis, Riemann surface, Algebraic Number Theory 1 (NO need of Modular form 1)


        [1] D. Bump, Automorphic forms and representations, CSAM 55, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

        [2] F. Diamond and J. Shurman, A first course in modular forms, GTM 228, Springer, 2005.

        [3] N. Koblitz, Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms, GTM 97, Springer, 1984.


2018/19 Winter Semester: 

        Algebraic Number Theory 3: Tuesday 14h-16h, WSC-S-3.14 and Friday 14h-16h WSC-O-3.46.

        Topic of the course: class field theory, Tate thesis