Ranks of elliptic curves
Organizers: Massimo Bertolini, Rodolfo Venerucci
Room: WSC-N-U-3.05
The goal of this seminar is to discuss the theorem (recently completed by Bhargava et. al.) stating that a positive proportion of elliptic curves over the rationals satisfy the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.
Program: pdf
Termin | Vortragender | Titel |
09.04.2015, 14:15 | Massimo Bertolini | Introduction |
16.04.2015, 14:15 | Aprameyo Pal | The arithmetic of elliptic curves |
23.04.2015, 14:15 | Lorenzo Mantovani | Proof of the Mordell-Weil theorem |
30.04.2015, 14:15 | Rodolfo Venerucci | The theorems of Bhargava-Shankar and applications, I |
07.05.2015, 9:15 (Change of time!) | Ishai Dan-Cohen | The theorems of Bhargava-Shankar and applications, II |
21.05.2015, 14:15 | Barinder Banwait | The theorems of Bhargava-Shankar and applications, III |
28.05.2015, 14:15 | Alexandre Pyvovarov | Modularity of elliptic curves, modular parametrisations and L-series |
11.06.2015, 14:15 | Shu Sasaki | A modular construction of unramified extensions: Ribet’s theorem |
18.06.2015, 14:15 | Vytas Paskunas | The theorem of Skinner-Urban |
25.06.2015, 14:15 | Carlos de Vera | Heegner points, the Gross-Zagier theorem, non-vanishing theorems |
02.07.2015, 14:15 | Federico Binda | Bounding Selmer groups: the theory of Euler systems |
09.07.2015, 14:15 | Rodolfo Venerucci | Conclusions |
16.07.2015, 14:15 | Program discussion for the next term |