Dr. Sebastian Bartling
Preprints and works in progress:
1. Sur la cohomologie étale de la courbe de Fargues-Fontaine, preprint. Available on arxiv.
2. The universal special formal O_{D}-module for d=2, preprint. Available on arixv.
3. G-mu-displays and local Shtuka, preprint. Available on arxiv.
4. Moduli spaces of nilpotent displays , with Manuel Hoff, Available on arxiv.
5. A remark on Brauer groups of varieties over the rationals with everywhere good reduction, pdf
6. Br(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n,\ZZ})=0, with Kazuhiro Ito (in progress).
7. Heegner points and p-adic Uniformization, with Lennart Gehrmann, Mike Lipnowski, Ananth Shankar (in progress).
For preprints see: Arxiv
In WS 23/24 I gave a course in Essen on prismatic cohomology. Here you can find the notes (use at your own peril): Notes prismatic